Buy or sell a home

Help with Buying or Selling Real Estate in Greenville, SC

If you’re looking to buy or sell real estate in the Upstate of SC, Stan McCune with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices is here to help.

If you have some questions about real estate, I would love to help. Here are a few things I can guarantee you:

  1. I’ll never be pushy with you. That’s not my personality, and I believe that pushiness is a negative trait that hurts REALTORS® in the long run. If you only have some casual questions and aren’t really serious about buying or selling just yet, that’s totally fine! I’m still more than happy to help.
  2. I’ll provide you fantastic customer service. I spent nine years working for a company that had to provide customer service for billionaire clients, so I’ve learned from the most discerning clients how to deliver great service.
  3. I’ll be the expert you need. I’ve flipped houses, bought rental properties, and done a variety of other real estate transactions for years (and still do). This gives me real-world knowledge of the local market and how to make sure that my clients always buy low and sell high.

If you want to discuss real estate, feel free to fill out the form below or call/text me at 864.735.7580.

[contact-form to=”” subject=”Real estate contact request”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Phone” type=”text”][contact-field label=”What are you looking to do?” type=”checkbox-multiple” options=”Buy a home,Sell a home,Discuss real estate investing,Learn how I can obtain creative financing”][/contact-form]